The glory after the fire

I had never repainted my finished works until He asked me to paint over the painting “Gates” to deliver the message behind. The painting “Gates” was one of live paintings on 2017 and I wrote the poem; “I see many gates everywhere. The gates of His Kingdom are all over. He is overflowing through us. We are the gates of Yahweh. Arise one body! Position yourself! Open your heart! All His promises will be fulfilled.”

Few weeks ago He asked me to cover the painting with dark colors. I sensed that He was making the vibrant city of gates to go through the fire. Suddenly it seemed like the city in ruins. I felt no more hope and life in the painting. Then He led my hands to grab the palette knife to scratch the painting all over. It was about the process of suffering and surrendering that revealed hidden colors like lights in the complete darkness. It was really beautiful enough but He wanted to show me how He pours out the greater glory after the fire. Then He put all the gold colors on the painting.

We all need to go through the process of fire to be the vessel of glory. His consuming fire consumes every former things and make everything nothing. From the ashes He births the new beauty through Yahshua. From the place of complete surrendering, He prepares us as mature sons to show His greater glory like never before by the Holy Spirit. Like this painting shifted to the brand new painting, when we let go of the old, He always fills us with the new which is more powerful and glorious than the old!


The glory after the fire. 48″x30”. Acrylic and ink on canvas. 2019


Beautiful colors disappeared
Open gates destroyed
Everything burned by the fire
Everything turned to ashes
No hope
No life
Nothing there
Nothing exists
Then the glory comes
Then the glory moves
Everything shifted
Everything changed
Teach us Your way
The glory after the fire


“I can only baptize you in this river, but He will baptize you into the Spirit of holiness and into His raging fire.”

(Luke 3:16) 




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