Draw your dreams into reality

Many times I do not know what I am going to paint exactly. I just simply trust in Him and believe that He will paint what He wants to reveal through my hands and hearts. Even though He shows me visions and gives me understanding, I need to depend on the Holy Spirit completely, so that He can choose the best way to capture and express them with colors, styles and creative processes. When I started to paint this painting, He asked me to draw one big white paper with black ink and put various colors of dots outside of the paper that I drew. He said the white paper is our blank mind to be ready to picture amazing dreams with Him, and colors are all resources of heaven to turn the dreams into reality.

He asked me, “Do you believe that I will make everything beautiful just in time?” Then I answered, “Yes! I trust in You.” He asked me again, “Do you believe that I can do all things?” Then I answered, “Yes! Help me believe this truth without unbelief.” He spoke to me again, “What is your dream that you are going to draw?” Then I confessed, “I want to draw Your dream. I want to see Your dream come true in me and through me.” After that, He led me to use gold, silver and pearl colors. I was so captivated by the Holy Spirit to paint and fill the white parts with the glory of Yahweh. Even though I didn’t know what exactly it’s about, I knew one thing that He was painting His dream through me to answer my prayer. Day by day, I meditated on His word and painted it over and over until it’s done.

Now I see what He has painted through me. I see the gold mountain like a shining mirror with jewels reflects all beauty of heaven. It symbolizes the Mountain of Yahweh (Ps24:3), Zion of His dwelling place (Ps132:13), the bride (Rev21:9) and the new Jerusalem (Rev21:10-11). I believe our Father’s dream is revealing of the sons of Yahweh who can be empty to be filled with His glory and become His dwelling place to display who He is. He is preparing mature sons like Yahshua, the Messiah in the Holy Spirit. And I believe whoever dreams it with Him by faith, He will turn the dream into reality.


Draw your dreams into reality. 48”x36”. Ink and acrylic on canvas. 2019


Do you have dreams
Picture them
Draw them
I will make them come true

Trust in Me
Put colors with expectations
Give your hands to Me without fear
I will make them beautiful in time

What do you see in the picture
You are My reflection
Dream big
I’m ready to turn your dreams into reality

“Delight yourself in Yahweh, and He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart. Commit your way to Yahweh; Trust in Him also and He will do it.” (Psalms 37:4-5)




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